Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tweaks finished? Two new lineages added

The One Name  Study Lineage pages have been fully reloaded.
They should  now include all the person information (as opposed to place) that was once on the Analysis section, and all of the Researcher, Lineage, and Wanted! information that was in the FAIRBAIRN Surname DNA project supplementary pages.

The recent changes index is therefore a little fuller than normal, with many of the entries merely being there because of the above shift having been completed.
There are some textual alterations as the rationale behind some of the linkages has been reviewed and an attempt made to make some of the conclusions a bit clearer - no doubt more to come.

New to the pages are the trees of :
For the latter we now have a dna representative (F-49), and fingers crossed, should in due course find out how close the relationship between those represented on that row of Earlston headstones might be.
Wish we could find one for the South African family of John son of James and Agnes (BRACK) FAIRBAIRN.

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