Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Robinson connection?

Two more, potentially related, lineages have been added to the One Name Study lineages section:
By dates, it is unlikely they are father (John) and son (Robert), but both seem to like Robinson as a first name.
What is the connection between them and where in Scotland did they both come from?
Rachel was in Jedburgh in 1841 and daughter Margaret moved to Newcastle.
Son Robinson moved to Australia.

Robert & Mary lived in Newcastle but Robert was born in Scotland.
Son James appears to have moved to Pembrokeshire.

Any direct male line FAIRBAIRN descendants around willing to take the plunge and join the DNA project to test where the lines may "fit" and whether or not they are related to each other?


  1. My mums maiden name was robinson and her mums maiden name was Fairbairn. My cousin has both names in his name. We are Co Durham based.

  2. Hi Lady, is your family represented in the trees listed at http://fairbairn.lornahen.com/lineages/index.htm ?
    If unsure, use the search function in the top menu.
    Always interested in hearing about FAIRBAIRNs.
