The Fairbairn One Name Study Lineage pages have been updated to reflect any updates over the last month or so (check the Latest Changes index for the people changed but that wont necessarily reflect any changes to descendant charts.)
One reason for this activity was to include a working assumption for the ancestors/relations of Robert FAIRBAIRN, the Thames waterman, whose descendant's dna results are still tracking along the Lineage one modal over all of the main matching Fairbairn groups.
It should be pointed out that the Fairbairn One Name Study is registered with the Guild of One Name Studies separately from that for Fairburn.
The DNA project however covers all surname variants, including Fairburn.
Why is this being mentioned here?
Yes, many of the Scottish Fairbairns moved south and became Fairburn, so many of the trees shown have Fairburn and other variants as their surnames, but technically, the ONS pages are for FAIRBAIRN.
An exception has been made for the above Robert's suggested parents, John & Ann (ARROWSMITH) FAIRBURN of Durham, then Deptford.
Primarily because of the possible link to Robert above, but also because of the Durham, and ship building link.
The Summary DNA Patriarchs page has also had a very brief tree included for John & Ann's family who included an early New Zealand missionary, William Thomas FAIRBURN;
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