Want to help document the FAIRBAIRN (or similar surnamed) families?
Do you have a family tree online anywhere?
Would you consider doing so?
Yes, the summary DNA project pages, and the One Name Study lineage pages do have many of the pedigrees for the surnames, but these are but a fraction of the FAIRBAIRNs in existence.
Perhaps you could consider starting your own and letting us know the link to it?
Don't know where to start?
Try WikiTree.
It is completely free, pledges to remain so, has great privacy and trusted list controls so that only those you want to see your data can, and only those you trust to update it can.
Even better, it is a collaborative one world tree so that any one person should only exist there once, and if a duplicate is found, may be merged so that those interested can then collaborating on documenting their shared ancestor(s).
Even better still, it has recently implemented some rather useful DNA features whereby those who care to share that they have had their DNA tested for genealogy can mark this against their profile (aka person page) using the list of tests available.
Overnight all the people impacted by this, as documented here, get a link added to their profile suggesting they may be able to validate their family tree or find more family information, by contacting the
test taker.
Works best, of course, if you conscientiously check for, and merge, any
duplicated people found, and work on them together with the other
interested researcher.
Of particular interest is the power of connected trees to enable those
of us interested in FamilyFinder (an autosomal dna test) to try and
determine where such a link may be.
This has nothing to do with actual DNA results, which continue to be
published in the DNA project pages, as will trees on the One Name Study,
this is simply a great extension to the project.
Why not experiment by entering yourself and your direct paternal and maternal lines and see what you find?
Want to help out by contributing your tree but don't know how? Contact
the project admin using the details in the footer of any of the project pages.
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