Sunday, January 20, 2013

Two matches

The previously referred to DNA match between the tree of William FAIRBAIRN, schoolmaster of Galashiels, represented in the DNA project by Michael (F-23), and that of John FAIRBARNES of Winlaton/Swalwell, Durham, represented by CJ (F-54) has been confirmed as an excellent match, 66 markers out of 67, so any shared ancestor should be well within genealogical timeframes.
Now to find the paper trail.
Jury still well out as to whether or not that means CJ's origins are Scottish, or those of John & Helen (ANDERSON) FAIRBAIRN, William's parents, were actually English! 

The other match that is shaping up rather well is that of our representative for the Cockburnspath family of John & Helen (GRIEVE) FAIRBAIRN, who is an exact match, 47/47 so far, to the line of James & Helen (CAMPBELL) FAIRBAIRN, represented in the DNA project by David (F-9).

Confirming DNA signatures from another representative down a different line of descent to those already mentioned above would be fantastic. Please use the contact links at the bottom of most of the pages linked above to discuss this further if interested in doing your bit for the overall knowledge of how the FAIRBAIRNs connect.

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