Updates to existing descendent charts wont necessarily show up in the recent change index.
Recent changes there:
- the inclusion of another New Zealand branch for the family of Thomas and Elizabeth (SIMPSON) FAIRBAIRN
- a few more Australian twigs on the John & Elizabeth (YULE) FAIRBAIRN
The Fife lineage of Thomas and Ann (SMITH) FAIRBAIRN has been included with grandson John's page explaining why it looks like his death cert is inaccurate. Anyone know of any connection to Thomas and Elizabeth (SIMPSON) FAIRBAIRN above? Both are from Fife.
Hi, I have recently had my DNA tested as part of the Elliott DNA project, I had around 40 results but only 5 were of Elliotts and almost all of the others were of Fairbairn's, I must admit I have never come across this name before. Could I contact somebody about this as I'm a little confused as to how my family from Ulster Ireland are related to so many Fairbairns.
For the benefit of lurkers, Matt has been pointed to the article on the Supplementary DNA pages about our matching ELLIOTTs (http://dnasurnames.info/lineages/spelliottexploration.htm)