The Fairbairn atDNA page has been updated to include more analysis of how much detectable dna has survived between assorted lines.
At this stage it only includes descendants of John & Bessie (FLINT) FAIRBAIRN, but other lines can be included.
Perhaps you've hit some particularly interesting comparisons across lines only known to be distantly yDNA connected via the FAIRBAIRN line?
As it says on the page, all it takes for that to happen is to let me know the GEDMatch ids of the kits concerned.
Or better still:
- run the (free) Multiple Kit Analysis and the 3D chromosome browser tools GEDMatch provides for the kit numbers concerned,
- save each result as a complete web page and
- send me either a link to the pages on eg Dropbox, or the zipped up pages.
You may care to also provide your own labels for the kits listed, rather than use the kit names.
The grid of total shared cMs below is now attached to John FAIRBAIRN's page on WikiTree as well.
Triangulations of the segments involved is not yet complete to check, if possible, that they are indeed Fairbairn/Flint DNA.